2019 SHINE Mural Festival - Artist: Low Bros

Directory of St. Petersburg Arts Alliance Members

 Join the Alliance


Arts Sustainer

Duke Energy


Arts Producer


Al Downing Tampa Bay Jazz Association

Duncan McClellan Gallery

Paul Carder

The Factory, St. Pete

Guilfoill Dance Arts Center

Modern Tampa Bay Homes


Arts Supporter

2D Cafe

Juan Alonso-Rodriguez

Tommy Bayot

Celebrate St. Petersburg

The Clay Co-Op

John Collins

DRV Gallery

Radio St. Pete

Glass of Life

Hip Expressions Belly Dance Studio

Landscapes by Randy Lee

David McCauley Studio 

Merfolk Media Alliance


Wild Space Gallery

Sunscreen Film Festival




Arts Entrepreneur

Academy of Ballet Arts

American Stage

Aravela & Co. Design Studio and Arthaus

ARTicles Fine Art Services/Leslie Curran Gallery

The Artisan


ArtsXChange St. Pete

Artworks by AMR LLC

ASTRA & Friends

Michael Baker Glass Art LLC
Ballet Academy of St. Petersburg

Bank of America


Bayboro Brewing

Behar Peteranecz Architecture

Beth Belaschky

Betsy Rosado Art

Bill Edwards Foundation for the Arts/Mahaffey Theater

Brenda McMahon Gallery

Diane Burr

Maria Calabria

Carriage House Consulting

Jenipher Chandley

Charlie & Olive

Charlie Parker Pottery

Chihuly Collection

Mirella Cimato Art Gallery

Clay Center of St. Petersburg

Communicasting Studios

Community Foundation Tampa Bay 

Kerstin Cook

Nancy Cohen Studio

Craftsman House

Creative Clay


D YaeL Kelley

Davidson Fine Art

Dawn Daisley

Amber Deas

Doyle Wealth Management

Drew Marc Gallery

Echambliss.Artist LLC

Eckerd College Creative Arts

Embracing Our Differences, Inc.

Five Deuces Galleria

The Florida Orchestra

Jo-An Frances Art

 Leigh Glenn

Glenyse Thompson Contemporary Art

Global Resilience Institute

Cristiane Godoy

Erin Griffin

Gulf Coast Dance Theater

Lynette Hardy

Jason Hackenwerth

Cort Hartle

Vyolette Hastings

Julie Haura Art + Design

Hiram Hazley


Amy Howell

Glenn McDaniel Arts LLC

Imagine Museum

Integrative Counsel

Kimberly Jackson

Patrick Arthur Jackson

Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel, & Burns, LLP

JoyceVentures LLC

Judith Lavendar Studio

Kahwa Coffee Roasters

Kostar Kustoms LLC

Your Life, No Borders Dba L Global

Lance Olson + Associates

Ivette Lavin

Living Daringly

Luci Westphal Creative Lab

Hillary McAllister

The Merchant

Miss Crit

Moonlit Creations

Morean Glass Studio & HotShop

Morean Workshop Space

Museum of Fine Arts, St. Pete

Nancie Norman Art

Palladium Theater

PARC Center for Disabilities - Inspired Artist Studio

Pinellas Community Foundation


Dawn Pratt

Prism Arts Inc.


Deborah Rodriguez

Irene Sullivan

Donna Robison

Rockshop Fine Gems & Jewelry

Whitney Rosh

Salt Creek Arts

Sew Pinellas

Martha Shackford


Shelby Dillon Studio

Rebecca Skelton

Skulldrop Studios

Skyway Marina District

Soft Water Gallery

Sound Branding Ideas

St. Pete Art Works 

Sourcing Joy & Co

Spitfire Comedy House

St. Cate Fine Arts

St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce

St. Petersburg Opera Company

The St. Pete Store & Visitors Center

Stacie Steinke Music

Star Trolley

Studio 521@4 Gats 

Studio In Her House

Suntan Art Gallery

Irene Sullivan

Myles Thoroughgood

Tom’s Casual Corner

The Art of Pamela Joy Trow

Urban Dog Studio LLC

Vanda Visions

Venus Victor

Visit St. Pete Clearwater

Westminster Shores Arts Collective

WUSF Public Media

Anne Zimmerman Briand

Seven C Music LLC

Susan Antoinette


Emerging Artist


Rob Abernathy

Ambassador Barb

Yolanda Boone

Spencena Dalmas

Alexa Espinosa

Keaton Fox

Steve Greenberg

Lynne Mahaffey

Francine Michel

Kim Nashed

Phi Phi Artland

Susan Topping

Vanessa Crespi


Alison Amick Photography

Tina Swaney-Black

Jennifer Scalia