2020 SHINE Mural Festival - Artist: Tatiana Suarez


This year, ArtPlace America culminates a decade of work as part of an extraordinary community of artists, community developers, culture bearers, designers, government officials, philanthropists and researchers who have come together from rural, suburban, Tribal and urban communities across the United States.

To help celebrate all we have done collectively, ArtPlace will host a free virtual summit the week of October 26-30. Each day that week, we will offer a wide variety of programming online with over 50 sessions informed by the past, grounded in the present – and planning for the future of our communities.

Topics include

  • The Arts and Public Health
  • Storytelling to Inspire Change
  • Placemaking on the Front Lines of Political Conflict
  • Small Business as an Agent of Transformation
  • Artists Helping Elders Face Covid-19 Fears
  • The Artist as First Responder to a Climate Crisis
  • Arts, Culture and Food
  • New Spaces to Heal Trauma
  • Applying Creative Placemaking to Covid-19
  • Crisis Resiliency for Artists

While the summit is free to attend, registration is required. By registering, you’ll have access to as much or as little of the summit as you like and with our new virtual space there’s no need to sign up for individual sessions in advance.

To register visit ArtPlaceSummit.org

Find a detailed event schedule here

Opportunities for professional and emerging artists. To share opportunities for artists, fill out our online request form here .
Arts-related employment opportunities. To share jobs for artists, fill out our online request form here .
These are the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance Grant Opportunities.
Check out the Auditions that are happening in our community. To share an audition, fill out our online request form here .
Check out the Internships that are available in our community. To share an internship, fill out our online request form here .
In this challenging time, find practical guidance, inspiration and emergency funding.