2020 SHINE Mural Festival - Artist: Tatiana Suarez


The challenges posed by quarantines and a stalled economy are daunting, especially for artists. In the last month, Creative Capital launched a series of free online workshops, Coping with COVID – designed to help artists mitigate the effects of the pandemic and economic situation, and above all to show that none of us are alone in this struggle.

All four workshops are available to watch online.

Find more Creative Capital resources for artists here.


Livestreaming for Artists
If you’re thinking about livestreaming for the first time, it can be hard to know where to start. Yara Travieso and Brighid Greene suggest using livestreaming less as a final product, and more as a way to continue a creative practice. In their workshop, they assess different platforms and what to know when just getting started.

Thinking about livestreaming as an artist?  Read this first.

Financial Implications for Creative Individuals
Elaine Grogan Luttrull, CPA-PFS, AFC, answers questions and provides tangible strategies to help artists cope with the unique financial challenges they face in these uncertain times, including a look at small business loans, filing for unemployment, and more.

Time Management for Artists During Challenging Times
When your home is your office, studio, daycare, and sanctuary, how do you divide up and manage your activities? Amy Bloustine advises on ways to create more structure and better manage your time in order to reduce stress, and be more productive during the quarantine.

Centering Wellness and Self-Care
As artists attempt to maintain a sense of “business as usual” when things are anything but usual, Rhonda Wheatley discusses lessons in healing and wellness to manage the growing isolation, anxiety, and uncertainty we are all facing. Wheatley closes with a guided meditation.

Opportunities for professional and emerging artists. To share opportunities for artists, fill out our online request form here .
Arts-related employment opportunities. To share jobs for artists, fill out our online request form here .
These are the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance Grant Opportunities.
Check out the Auditions that are happening in our community. To share an audition, fill out our online request form here .
Check out the Internships that are available in our community. To share an internship, fill out our online request form here .
In this challenging time, find practical guidance, inspiration and emergency funding.