2020 SHINE Mural Festival - Artist: Tatiana Suarez

Deadline: Rolling

Many thanks to the Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg, for sharing this list of Emergency Funding and Artist Resources, compiled by I Care If You Listen, a website devoted to contemporary classical music, and art and technology – a resource that’s changed their focus during this emergency. 

That page is constantly being updated with new information. 



Opportunities for professional and emerging artists. To share opportunities for artists, fill out our online request form here .
Arts-related employment opportunities. To share jobs for artists, fill out our online request form here .
These are the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance Grant Opportunities.
Check out the Auditions that are happening in our community. To share an audition, fill out our online request form here .
Check out the Internships that are available in our community. To share an internship, fill out our online request form here .
In this challenging time, find practical guidance, inspiration and emergency funding.